Thursday, March 11, 2010

Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Menciptakan Sungai dalam Laut

Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Menciptakan
Sungai dalam Laut

“Akan Kami perlihatkan secepatnya kepada mereka kelak, bukti-bukti kebenaran Kami di segenap penjuru dunia ini dan pada diri mereka sendiri, sampai terang kepada mereka, bahwa al-Quran ini suatu kebenaran. Belumkah cukup bahwa Tuhan engkau itu menyaksikan segala sesuatu. ” (QS Fushshilat : 53)

“Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan) ; yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain masin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalangi.” (Q.S Al Furqan:53)

Jika Anda termasuk orang yang gemar menonton rancangan TV `Discovery’ pasti kenal Mr.Jacques Yves Costeau , ia seorang ahli oceanografer dan ahli selam terkemuka dari Perancis. Orang tua yang berambut putih ini sepanjang hidupnya menyelam ke perbagai dasar samudera di seantero dunia dan membuat filem dokumentari tentang keindahan alam dasar laut untuk ditonton di seluruh dunia.

Pada suatu hari ketika sedang melakukan eksplorasi di bawah laut, tiba-tiba ia menemui beberapa kumpulan mata air tawar-segar yang sangat sedap rasanya kerana tidak bercampur/tidak melebur dengan air laut yang masin di sekelilingnya, seolah-olah ada dinding atau membran yang membatasi keduanya.

Fenomena ganjil itu memeningkan Mr. Costeau dan mendorongnya untuk mencari penyebab terpisahnya air tawar dari air masin di tengah-tengah lautan. Ia mulai berfikir, jangan-jangan itu hanya halusinansi atau khalayan sewaktu menyelam. Waktu pun terus berlalu setelah kejadian tersebut, namun ia tak kunjung mendapatkan jawapan yang memuaskan tentang fenomena ganjil tersebut.

Sampai pada suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang profesor Muslim, kemudian ia pun menceritakan fenomena ganjil itu. Profesor itu teringat pada ayat Al Quran tentang bertemunya dua lautan ( surat Ar-Rahman ayat 19-20) yang sering diidentikkan dengan Terusan Suez . Ayat itu berbunyi “Marajal bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.. .”Artinya: “Dia biarkan dua lautan bertemu, di antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak boleh ditembus.” Kemudian dibacakan surat Al Furqan ayat 53 di atas.

Selain itu, dalam beberapa kitab tafsir, ayat tentang bertemunya dua lautan tapi tak bercampur airnya diertikan sebagai lokasi muara sungai, di mana terjadi pertemuan antara air tawar dari sungai dan air masin dari laut. Namun tafsir itu tidak menjelaskan ayat berikutnya dari surat Ar-Rahman ayat 22 yang berbunyi “Yakhruju minhuma lu’lu`u wal marjaan” ertinya “Keluar dari keduanya mutiara dan marjan.” Padahal di muara sungai tidak
ditemukan mutiara.

Terpesonalah Mr. Costeau mendengar ayat-ayat Al Qur’an itu, melebihi kekagumannya melihat keajaiban pemandangan yang pernah dilihatnya di lautan yang dalam. Al Qur’an ini mustahil disusun oleh Muhammad yang hidup di abad ke tujuh, suatu zaman saat belum ada peralatan selam yang canggih untuk mencapai lokasi yang jauh terpencil di kedalaman samudera. Benar-benar suatu mukjizat, berita tentang fenomena ganjil 14 abad yang silam
akhirnya terbukti pada abad 20. Mr. Costeau pun berkata bahawa Al Qur’an memang sesungguhnya kitab suci yang berisi firman Allah, yang seluruh kandungannya mutlak benar. Dengan seketika dia pun memeluk Islam.

Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Menciptakan
Sungai dalam Laut

“Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan) ; yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain masin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalangi.” (Q.S Al Furqan:53)

Jika Anda termasuk orang yang gemar menonton rancangan TV `Discovery’ pasti kenal Mr.Jacques Yves Costeau , ia seorang ahli oceanografer dan ahli selam terkemuka dari Perancis. Orang tua yang berambut putih ini sepanjang hidupnya menyelam ke perbagai dasar samudera di seantero dunia dan membuat filem dokumentari tentang keindahan alam dasar laut untuk ditonton di seluruh dunia.

Pada suatu hari ketika sedang melakukan eksplorasi di bawah laut, tiba-tiba ia menemui beberapa kumpulan mata air tawar-segar yang sangat sedap rasanya kerana tidak bercampur/tidak melebur dengan air laut yang masin di sekelilingnya, seolah-olah ada dinding atau membran yang membatasi keduanya.

Fenomena ganjil itu memeningkan Mr. Costeau dan mendorongnya untuk mencari penyebab terpisahnya air tawar dari air masin di tengah-tengah lautan. Ia mulai berfikir, jangan-jangan itu hanya halusinansi atau khalayan sewaktu menyelam. Waktu pun terus berlalu setelah kejadian tersebut, namun ia tak kunjung mendapatkan jawapan yang memuaskan tentang fenomena ganjil tersebut.

Sampai pada suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang profesor Muslim, kemudian ia pun menceritakan fenomena ganjil itu. Profesor itu teringat pada ayat Al Quran tentang bertemunya dua lautan ( surat Ar-Rahman ayat 19-20) yang sering diidentikkan dengan Terusan Suez . Ayat itu berbunyi “Marajal bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.. .”Artinya: “Dia biarkan dua lautan bertemu, di antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak boleh ditembus.” Kemudian dibacakan surat Al Furqan ayat 53 di atas.

Selain itu, dalam beberapa kitab tafsir, ayat tentang bertemunya dua lautan tapi tak bercampur airnya diertikan sebagai lokasi muara sungai, di mana terjadi pertemuan antara air tawar dari sungai dan air masin dari laut. Namun tafsir itu tidak menjelaskan ayat berikutnya dari surat Ar-Rahman ayat 22 yang berbunyi “Yakhruju minhuma lu’lu`u wal marjaan” ertinya “Keluar dari keduanya mutiara dan marjan.” Padahal di muara sungai tidak
ditemukan mutiara.

Terpesonalah Mr. Costeau mendengar ayat-ayat Al Qur’an itu, melebihi kekagumannya melihat keajaiban pemandangan yang pernah dilihatnya di lautan yang dalam. Al Qur’an ini mustahil disusun oleh Muhammad yang hidup di abad ke tujuh, suatu zaman saat belum ada peralatan selam yang canggih untuk mencapai lokasi yang jauh terpencil di kedalaman samudera. Benar-benar suatu mukjizat, berita tentang fenomena ganjil 14 abad yang silam
akhirnya terbukti pada abad 20. Mr. Costeau pun berkata bahawa Al Qur’an memang sesungguhnya kitab suci yang berisi firman Allah, yang seluruh kandungannyamutlak benar. Dengan seketika dia pun memeluk Islam.

Allahu Akbar…! Mr. Costeau mendapat hidayah melalui fenomena teknologi kelautan. Maha Benar Allah yang Maha Agung. Shadaqallahu Al `Azhim.Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Sesungguhnya hati manusia akan berkarat sebagaimana besi yang dikaratkan oleh air.” Bila seorang bertanya, “Apakah caranya untuk menjadikan hati-hati ini bersih kembali?” Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, “Selalulah ingat mati dan membaca Al Quran.”

Jika anda seorang penyelam, maka anda harus mengunjungi Cenote Angelita, Mexico. Disana ada sebuah gua. Jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman 30 meter, airnya air segar (tawar), namun jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman lebih dari 60 meter, airnya menjadi air asin, lalu anda dapat melihat sebuah “sungai” di dasarnya, lengkap dengan pohon dan daun daunan.

Setengah pengkaji mengatakan, itu bukanlah sungai biasa, itu adalah lapisan hidrogen sulfida, nampak seperti sungai… luar biasa bukan? Lihatlah betapa hebatnya ciptaan Allah SWT.

tambahan :

Cenote Angelita, Meksiko terdapat sebuah gua. Jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman 30 meter, airnya air segar (tawar), namun jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman lebih dari 60 meter, airnya menjadi air asin, lalu anda dapat melihat sebuah “sungai” di dasarnya, lengkap dengan pohon dan daun-daunan.

Seperti dilansir, di kedalaman lebih dari 30 meter tim penyelam menemukan air tawar di tengah kolom air laut. Kondisi itu berubah dan penyelam kembali menemukan air laut mulai melewati kedalaman 60 meter. Beberapa meter dari lokasi itu akan ditemukan sebuah gua. Di bagian bawah dekat gua itu tim penyelam menemukan sebuah sungai lengkap dengan pohon dan dedaunan yang mengapung di kolom air itu.

Ternyata lokasi itu bukanlah sungai seperti yang terlihat di daratan. Tetapi, suasana itu memang mirip sungai lengkap dengan lapisan seperti air yang berwarna agak kecoklatan. Tapi tunggu dulu, warna kecoklatan itu bukanlah berasal dari air tawar. Disebutkan, bagian kecoklatan yang mirip air sungai itu adalah lapisan bagian bawah gas hidrogen sulfida. Gas yang biasanya dihasilkan dari saluran pembuangan kotoran.

Secara keseluruhan, tim penyelam menemukan itu adalah kondisi yang sangat mengejutkan dan menakjubkan untuk dipandang. “Di kedalaman 60 meter saya menemukan kembali air laut. Saya melihat sebuah sungai, pulau, lengkap dengan daun yang berguguran. Tapi sungai yang kami lihat adalah lapisan dari gas hidrogen sulfida,” kata Anatoly.

Namun tentu saja, itu bukanlah sungai biasa, itu adalah lapisan hidrogen sulfida, namun nampak seperti sungai. Biasanya gas itu terkumpul di dasar laut sampai mereka meledak dengan mendadak. Saat gas itu mencapai ke permukaan, kombinasi hidrogen dengan oksigen yang membentuk air membuat sulfur putih padat membentuk lapisan endapan ke dalam lautan, yang membuat hidrogen sulfida menjadi racun alami buat ikan, tapi pengaruh buruk bagi manusia masih belum jelas diketahui.
Mengapa hidrogen sulfida bisa berwujud sungai di dasar laut adalah karena pengaruh berat jenis zat tersebut. hidrogen sulfida memiliki berat jenis yang lebih berat dari pada campuran air laut (natrium sulfida, dll). Hal ini dpt dibayangkan seperti minyak dengan air dimana tingkatan berat jenisnya minyak, air tawar, air laut, dan baru campuran hidrogen sulfida diatas. hidrogen sulfida karena berat jenis yang lebih besar akan cenderung mengumpul di dasar lautan. inilah yang tampak seperti alur sungai di atas.

Lokasi: Cenote Angelita, Mexico

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rajasthan Cultural Tour: Pleasant and Memorable Experience

A traveler has the rare gift of discovering a new story at every place he visits and this helps him see the same country or place in a new light. India, as a country, offers plenty of opportunity to the tourist to explore every nook and corner and discover a wide variety in every sense like geographical, cultural, religious, spiritual, economical and many other form of diversity. One such state, that is a study in diverse landscape and colorful architecture, is the desert land of Rajasthan. It is not only one of India's largest states but also has the unique combination of having deserts as well as a hill station within its territory. When on any of the Rajasthan cultural tours, you can discover a unique world of warrior princes and palaces and forts.

Rajasthan cultural tours give you the opportunity to visit the 'land of kings' and get a glimpse into their glorious past. The pink city of Jaipur is famous for its forts and palaces and currently has also become an important centre for gemstones. Many places in Northern India get their precious and semi precious stones form Jaipur which are believed to be of a superior quality. So if you are embarking on Rajasthan cultural tours, many of you are sure to carry back these sparkling stones and jewelry and that too at a much lesser cost than you would have paid if you were buying them from any other state. The warm hospitality of the Rajasthani people is sure to make your stay in Jaipur and in any other city a pleasant and memorable experience.

An important aspect of Rajasthan cultural tours is the authentic cuisine of this state. A tour of the state is not complete unless you have treated yourself to the delicacies of the state and participated in an evening of cultural programs such as a folk song and dance event. The folk music of Rajasthan is quite lively and has achieved immense popularity across the country and even many Bollywood movies have taken their inspiration from this kind of music. Another integral part of the Rajasthani culture is the famous fairs that are held during the winters each year. If you are embarking on a cultural tour of this state then you simply cannot miss out the famed cattle and camel fair held in Pushkar each year. People of all caste, creed and color and religious background flock in this small city to witness the spiritual festivities and colorful celebrations during the fairs.

Rajasthan cultural tours are sure to leave you hungry for more and just a single visit is not enough to get to know this vast land. Its scenic beauty and architectural glamour, mythological and historical tales and of course rural culture and hospitality of the local people are sure to charm you and you will keep coming back for more. So, plan a tour in advance; get your reservations done and set out to discover a whole new world for yourself.

Source: Rajasthan Cultural Tours Give You A Rare Insight Of India

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Cambay Family Holidays Review a Five Star Hotel Resort Experience

Some time it is very important to spend some valuable time with family and friends to over come from daily tight work schedule. Relaxation and refreshment is necessary for human to give 100% out put in their work.

There are various places in all over world where people can go to spend few moments with their family, friends or loved once. Those who are married and have family, they can grab the opportunity of family holiday packages launched by various tours and travels all over the world. During the time of vacations or festival's, they usually declare holiday or vacation packages with discount rates for customers.

The most beautiful and peaceful places to spend holiday with family are: India, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Maldives, Singapore, Italy, America etc. all these are very beautiful placed to move around with family or friends.

Now, you must be thinking how to arrange your trip. Don't panic. Lot many options are available for customers; one can plan their trip from their home only without any tension. Internet has made it more easy and convenient to plan trip or hotel booking or resort booking just by log in to the respective website. Just register your self on the website and search out for the place to go, select the package, select the room type, select the days, and select the payment gateway, now you done.

Moreover one can surf for the reviews on the internet. That will help you out in selecting place as well as hotel booking. For more convenience, travel or tours agency provides pick up and drop facility, also provide car rental and cruise booking services. Every thing will be done from your home only. Here online hotel resort booking, resort, online car rental booking, cruise booking everything is available for customers.

Now a day planning international tour has become very easy and takes no time or not even panic for customers. Even those who don't have internet access or don't know how to use internet, travel or tourism agents are always there to help them out.

Select any hill station, or beach resort to enjoy family holidays. Five star hotels and luxury resorts provides all the luxurious facilities to their customers. They have maximum entertainment resources like swimming pool, disco, Children Park, garden, mini theater, library, gym, yoga center, casino, bar etc. so customer can enjoy their holidays of 4-5 days in resort only without going out anywhere.

So for what are you waiting? Join any online tourism portal and book hotel or resort for you and your family. Else contact any tours and travel agency for joining their best family holiday package. Enjoy your trip and have fun with your family friends or loved once.

Source: Family Holiday Review for Cambay Five Star Hotel Resort

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Choose Bali tour for your Vacation Holiday

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Carocok Beach,Painan

If you go to Painan for the purpose of the picnic or other purposes, if there should be time to visit tourism objects that are located in the Painan city.

The distance of each other not too far.

Tourism carocok Beach, the beach tour this object is already known by tourists and foreign local.Located in the west Painan.Approximately than one kilometer from the market Painan.

Object tour Peak Hill Langkisau not far from the beach Carocok.r0ad rise Hill is approximately one hundred meters from the beach tourism objects carocok.From top of the hill we can see the panoramic ocean liner that is not be bordered by Indonesia, seem small islands in the waters painan among islands cingkuak, stone kareta (location of objects tourist beach carocok painan), Semangki Island, Aur small island and large, Pigs island to the Tarusan.if the weather is sunny hill from the Peak is also visible covert Penyu island. you can witness the panoramic sea you can also see the city painan almost all. Nagari Salido, Laban and the Batang Katapiang village altitude.

Tourism Timbulun water, tourism object is located on the east Painan.jaraknya approximately two kilometers from the market Painan.dapat achieved with a four-wheeled vehicles to travel gerbangnya.Di object waterfall timbulun this you can see the beautiful waterfall between the stone wall terjal.Obyek this tour is very suitable for bath-mandi.Jika will go fasting month tour of this object is visited by many people, to balimau paga.Bahkan Density Traditional Nagari Painan also carry the tradition balimau paga these objects in this tour.

Denpasar Tourism Object

Kuta Beach

One of the location objects that very interesting to visit is Kuta beach. May be it’s not to strange to hear the name of ‘Kuta’ Beach, very famous, exotic, beautiful waves, grates of the white sand’s and beautiful place to visit. Almost all of foreign tourism who has visited Bali does not want to lose their moment to visit this place. With all of the reason many people come to the Kuta beach. Kuta beach provide several tourism object beside the main object is the beach. This place becomes famous tourism object, since 1930’ many western tourist visiting Kuta not just to see the beautiful sunset, but they comes to see another attractive activities, likes sun bathing, swimming, surfing, and enjoy the beautiful panorama. In deed, with developed the facilities since 1970’ make this place has complete facilities. Around Kuta beach there also facilities like hotels, cafĂ©, bar, pub, shopping center, traditional shop around the road, Bungy jumping, water boom and another entertain to enjoy when visiting there.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Adventure Tour in South America

ArgentinaDo you want to break free from your everyday routine? Why not try something different. Have time out and engage in leisure activities. Be adventurous. Find the perfect adventure trip and time off for you. There are many travel destinations to choose from around the world.

But if you really want to make the most of your adventure holiday, check out what South America has in store for you. South America Adventure tours offer an assortment of first-class vacation choices that encompass lots of fun, extraordinary experiences and escapades. South America is the world's fourth largest continent, and home to the most sought-after travel destinations such as the majestic Andes Mountains, the splendid Amazon River, the grand Galapagos island and the breathtaking Patagonia desert.

Don't miss this adventure of a lifetime.

South America INCA RUINS

Treat yourself to a great travel adventure. South America Adventure tours have all that it takes for you to enjoy an exhilarating escapade in the wilds of Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile and Venezuela. The tour package will definitely let you experience Latin America's finest. Its usual travel itineraries include fishing and hunting, whitewater rafting and kayaking, scuba diving, mountain climbing, mountain biking, rain forest adventure, sailing and cruise tour destinations.

Moreover, if you're looking for an unforgettable and worthwhile South American escapade, South America Adventure tours have the perfect holiday trip reserved for you. From the exciting activities, guides, travel destinations, lodgings and air travel - everything is well taken care of. Most of the services are distinctive and very accommodating. These are geared towards responding to your specific wants and allow you to get the most out of your vacation. Now, there's no hassle in planning your trip for you can access thousands of tours and travel through the Internet. Hence, amazing travel destinations to spend your leisure time are just a mouse click away.

Source by: America Tour

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Best Golf Resorts Of The World

More and more people are now turning to Golf because it allows them not only to enjoy the game, but also to relax in the pleasant environments that some of the golf resorts offer. Some of the golf resorts are indeed very attractive and provide a unique experience to the visitors. If you are thinking of taking a golf vacation, you can choose from some of the best golf resorts listed below.

The Sedona Golf Resort

The Sedona Golf Resort, situated in the Sedona Mountain Range is a magnificent 71 course golf resort that has been consistently rated with four stars. It is one of the most spectacular golf courses in the world and provides the golfers and tourists with unforgettable golf vacations.

Biltmore Spa and Resort

This golf resort is an excellent place for golf vacations and has been a host to most U.S. Presidents. It is not easy to get reservations at this resort during late October to May, but in summer it is not difficult to get reservations due to the extreme heat at that time.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas offers much more than merely excellent golf resorts. The Golf vacation packages offered by some entrepreneurs include access to the best golf courses, lodging facilities at comfortable hotels, tickets to shows, and unlimited enjoyment at the various casinos. Most of these packages also include round trip airfare making them literally all-inclusive.

Cancun Golf Resort

The Moon Palace is the most impressive golf resort in Cancun, which is famous for its golf resorts. A vacation at the Moon Palace is indeed once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Hawaiian Golf Resorts

Perhaps the most beautiful Golf resorts are situated in Hawaii. Besides enjoying the game of Golf, you can enjoy the beauty of Hawaii with the help of rainforest courses that are offered.

It is very important to make the right choice if you want to see some of the most spectacular golf resorts in the world. Moreover, you must also choose the golf resort where you can take your family and can also get away from the mundane routine of everyday life.

Source by: Golf Resorts of the World

Friday, January 22, 2010

Choose Bali tour for your Vacation Holiday

Bali Island, the perfect holiday destination for all ages offers something for everyone. Bali offers not just various customs but also various "adrenalin pump" parks. Many exciting amusements are available in Bali, with something new opening all the time. The number of offshore and inland attraction are on the rise because many tourists want them. This tropical paradise has a unique blend of modern tourist facilities combined with wonderful shopping and a rich past and heritage. After white water rafting that has gained popularity in Bali, comes offshore rafting or ocean rafting. The more adventurous sort of amusement has now become an alternative sport for tourists. Meanwhile white water rafting is still a popular activity with trips on Ayung, Telaga Waja, Unda Rivers, etc. The tourists can refresh their mind by watching beautiful scenery along the route. Those are not enough, some of the best surfing beaches in the world can be found on the western side of the island whilst conversely the eastern side is a wonderful haven for families, with beautiful white sand beaches and gentle seas.

Bali is small island, just 140 Km by 80 Km and lies between Java, the most highly populated and influential of all the islands, and Lombok, one of the quieter and moderately slower paced islands. Like many islands, Bali has developed a world of its own. It not only captures what is special about Indonesia but also has a uniqueness of its own.

The culture of Bali is unique. People say that the Balinese people have reached self-content. The Balinese people are proud of having preserved their unique Hindu culture against the advance of Islam, the dominant religion throughout Indonesia. This is still reflected in days to day life and can be seen in the numerous ceremonies, Balinese festivals and magnificent temples and palaces. The Balinese are skilled artisans, particularly in woodcarving and in fashioning objects of tortoiseshell and of gold, silver and other metals. The Balinese are noted for their traditional dance, the distinctive music of the gamelan and for their skills in weaving cloth of gold and silver threads, Songket, as well as for embroidering silk and cotton clothing. Stone and woodcarvings, traditional and modern paintings and intricately designed jewelry in gold and silver are readily available in shops and galleries throughout the island.

As for recreation, there is no shortage of options. Nature walks, horseback riding, diving, surfing - even bungy jumping and white water rafting - await the adventurous here.

Bali is volcanically active and extravagantly fertile. Bali has an area of 5620 sq km, measures approximately 140 km by 80 km and is just 8 degrees south of the equator. Mount Agung known as the 'mother mountain' is over 3000 meters. South and north of the central mountains are Bali's fertile agricultural lands. The southern region is a wide, gently sloping area where most of Bali's abundant rice crop is grown. The south-central area is the true rice basket of the Island. The northern coastal strip is narrower, rising more rapidly into the foothills of the central range, but the main export crops, coffee, copra and rice, are grown here. Cattle are also raised in this area.

Bali has a climate that is tropical all year. The average temperature hovers around 30 degrees Celsius year-round. There are dry and wet seasons -dry from April to September and wet from October to March- but it can rain at any time of year and even during the wet season rain is likely to pass quickly. In general May to August are the best months in Indonesia for the tour in bali. At that time of year the climate is likely to be cooler and the rains lightest. Around the coast, sea breezes temper the heat and as we move inland we also move up so the altitude works to keep things cool. It can get very cool up in the highlands and a warm sweater can be a good idea in mountain villages like Kintamani or Bedugul.

With 2.5 million people, Bali is a very densely populated island. The population is almost all Indonesian, with the usual small Chinese contingent in the big towns, a sprinkling of Indian merchants, plus a number of more or less permanent visitors amongst the Westerners in Bali.

Each stage of Balinese life is marked by a series of ceremonies and rituals known as Manusa Yadnya. They contribute to the rich, varied and active life the average Balinese leads. There are ceremonies for every stage of Balinese life but often the last cremation ceremony is the biggest. A Balinese cremation can be an amazing, spectacular, colorful, noisy and exciting event. In fact it often takes so long to organize a cremation that years have passed since the death. During that time the body is temporarily buried. Of course an auspicious day must be chosen for the cremation and since a big cremation can be very expensive business many less wealthy people may take the opportunity of joining in at a larger cremation and sending their own dead on their way at the same time. Brahmans, however, must be cremated immediately. Apart from being yet another occasion for Balinese noise and confusion it's a fine opportunity to observe the incredible energy the Balinese put into creating real works of art which are totally ephemeral. There are a lot more than a body gets burnt at the cremation. The body is carried from the burial ground (or from the deceased's home if it's an 'immediate' cremation) to the cremation ground in a high, multi-tiered tower made of bamboo, paper, string, tinsel, silk, cloth, mirrors, flowers and anything else bright and colorful we can think of. The tower is carried on the shoulders of a group of men, the size of the group depending on the importance of the deceased and hence the size of the tower. The funeral of a former rajah high priest may require hundreds of men to tote the tower.

Source by: Bali Tourism

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Holidays in India

India TourIndia's tourism industry is booming with new opportunities and government support. Every year millions of foreign visitors visit on India holidays. India is well known throughout the world for its culture, heritage - both manmade and natural, famous buildings, hills stations, sightseeing places and wonders of the world. The climate of India is variable as we move from north to south. This country is famous throughout the world for its spiritual richness as well. India offers wide variety of tourists destinations to the visitors. Each attractions and sightseeing places of country has been blessed with some unbelievably beautiful and attractive scene. In India there are various beautiful places and hill stations where you spend your Winter holidays and picnics happily while India tours.

Hill stations in India

  • Darjeeling
Darjeeling is the queen of all hill stations, famous for its natural beauty, winter holidays, clean fresh air, year round pleasant weather and above all, the ever smiling and welcoming local people. The 3rd highest pick in the world, mount Kanchenjunga is very close to this place and also gives the clearest view. During tours to India, Darjeeling is widely known as visitors paradise because every day it offers something new to everyone ,may be the first time visited and may be the regular one.

  • Ooty
Ooty in India is known as Udhagamandalam is the
"Queen of hill stations" and the capital of Nilgiris district India.It is one of the most popular tourist resorts in India. Nilgiris means "Blue Mountains". While holidays in India Ooty is used as land of picturesque picnic spots and Used to be popular summer and weekend getaway for the Britishers during the colonial days. It is situated at an altitude of 2,240 meters above sea level. An added attraction for the tourists to Udagamandalam is the mountain train journey.

  • Srinagar Tour
The climatic conditions in Srinagar are mostly alpine. Summers (April-June) are gentle and soothing while the winters (November-February) are icy cold. During December-February it is blessed with heavy snowfall. Srinagar is best visited during summers between the months of April and June. During tours to India you will need to carry heavy woolens while traveling to Srinagar.


Gulmarg lies at a distance of 48kms from the city. The road to Gulmarg, lined by tall Deodars and undulating flower meadows offer a pleasant drive. The golf course at Gulmarg, which happens to the highest one in the world.


On the bank of the beautiful Indus the sleepy hamlet of Pahalgam lies amid the Himalayan Pine forest. It is the base of a tour to the Amarnathji and many trekking routes branching out to the wilderness of the Himalayas.
  • Himachal Pradesh Tour

Shimla is a beautiful hill town in the lap of nature, surrounded by pine and deodar forests. Temperature is ideal in summers and tourists flock it in great numbers and it is highly advisable to get hotel reservations done well in advance despite the fact that there are over 1000 hotels in Shimla. It is well connected by road to the plains. Facilities and amenities are good. People are friendly. It is also comparatively safer than other tourist destinations. All this makes it the favorite travel destination of tourists from India and across the world. A amazingly high percentage of tourists come back here again. It is situated in the north-west Himalayas and is the capital of the state of Himachal Pradesh in North India.

Kullu Valley

The Kullu Valley is also known as the Valley of the Gods. Kullu is also famous for its handicrafts and woolens like shawl, caps, puhla, namdas and patoos. TO visit these rich royal tourist places in Himachal Pradesh.


Manali offers wide variety of mountain resorts that
are Covered with pinewoods and apple orchards. Manali is one of the attractive, adventure and nature lover destinations from all over the world. At an attitude of 1929 meters, it is bordered by the Rohtang Pass, the gateway to the mighty mountain desert-Ladakh. Perched on the left bank of the River Beas, the Holiday In Manali overlooks a fertile valley covered with gently terraced paddy fields. The majestic snow clad peaks of the Himalayan range provides a breathtaking backdrop. Manali is also famous for adventure sports like skiing, hiking, mountaineering, paragliding, rafting, trekking, kayaking, and mountain biking.The best time to visit the picturesque Manali is from May to October.

Snow Mountain Rohtang

This is a site where one can view the most drastic of landscape variances. On one side, the lush green head of the Kullu Valley; to the other, an awesome vista of bare, brown mountains, hanging glaciers and snowfields that dazzle in the crisp daylight.

  • Panchgani
Panchgani is an idyllic mountain retreat in the Krishna valley. Tucked away in the Satara district of Maharashtra, Panchgani is a well-known hill station of Maharashtra on the highway to Mahabaleshwar from Pune.
  • Mahabaleshwar
Mumbai to Mahabaleshwar via Mahad is 220 kms Mumbai to Pune is 180 kms & further Pune to Mahabaleshwar is 120 kms. Panchgani to Mahabaleshwar is 20 kms. Vast green plateau of about 150 sq. kms. Height is about 4500 feet above sea level. Climate is never too hot because of the heights. Never too cold bacause of the nearness to the Arabian Sea. Duration of higher temperature is short.

Mahabaleshwar attract tourist for its beauty. It is situated near 'Gau-Mukha', believed to be the source of the five Deccan Rivers, namely Krishna, Koyna, Veena, Savitri and Gayatri. The other attractions here include Echo Point, Malkam Point, Tiger Spring, Hunter Point, Castle Rock Point, Savitri Point, Elphiston point, Cannought Peak Point, Wilson Point(Sunrise Point), Bombay Point (Sunset Point)and the Babington Point. The Krishna Valley and Veena Lake.

If You want to get more detail about Winter holidays and Tour to India Please Contact @ India Tourism , Online Reservation, Winter Holidays Package

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tourist Attraction for Copenhagen

Copenhagen tourAttractions in Copenhagen are a mixture of living history and fun in frivolous activity. Copenhagen is one large attraction in itself, many of the cobblestone streets and rows of old Danish houses are much like they have been for centuries. Yet, Copenhagen tour is adding ever more modern attractions to the heap of historic ones.

The unusual European habit of visiting unremarkable statues continues in Copenhagen as the Little Mermaid in Langelinie harbour is the city's most sought after, and often first, sight. Don't be disenchanted for long, as better attractions await in distinct neighbourhoods, grand museums, and entertainment that can easily be walked to and are mostly centralised in the city centre.

A walk along Nyhavn Canal reveals the best of historic Copenhagen with old but well preserved architecture and old wooden boats showcasing the city's maritime history. The streets are full of shops and entertainment with a carnival-like appeal. To delve deeper into Danish history the Prince's Palace's National Museum is a central Copenhagen attraction as is The Copenhagen City Museum. Of course, no visit to Copenhagen is complete without idling in the Tivoli Gardens or playing in its famous theme park.

  • Attraction Places in Copenhagen
1) Tivoli Gardens

2) Historical Museums

3) Art Galleries

4) Nyhavn Canal

5) Rosenborg Castle

6) Freetown Christiania

7) The Little Mermaid

8) Christiansborg Palace

9) Legoland Billund

10) Bakken Amusement Park

11) Denmark Aquarium

12) The Mystic Exploratorie etc.,

Source by: Copenhagen Attraction